Excavated Self, 2013

"Silent Chorus" grew from an initial interaction with women victims of human trafficking and from conversations about the relationship of the many issues affecting women - from unperceptive daily discrimination to femicide. "Silent Chorus" uses as a reference, a tragic chorus in classic theater, where the collective stood for the personal and was used to discuss issues affecting individuals in a universal way [Silent_Chorus, 2018 a project by Eva_Rocha] Chorus, 2018 -16 sculptures installation. The work has a triangular configuration, not well seen in the photos. It will be shown at the Taubman Museum in the Fall of 2021

"Silent Chorus" is an installation about the many issues affecting women - from unperceptive daily discrimination to femicide. "Silent Chorus" uses as a reference, a tragic chorus in classic theater, where the collective stood for the personal and was used to discuss issues affecting individuals in a universal way. [Silent Chorus is a 16 sculpture installation. The work has a triangular configuration.]

Click for more images

For the creation of this work I used a process I learned while living in Baños del Incas in the Andes of Perus in 2005 and studying under a master ceramist that restored Pre-Colombian ceramic pottery. I adapted that process to create the restoring mold from the sculpture and I developed a terra-cota cold primer positive reversed.

“Coro of Womennequins” 2013-2017 (chorus of mannequins) 16 sculptures about issues affecting women. The first was created in 2013 and last in 2017.

“Coro of Womennequins” 2013-2017 (chorus of mannequins) 16 sculptures about issues affecting women. The first was created in 2013 and last in 2017.

“Coro of Womennequins” 2013-2017 ( composed of 16 sculptures) photo from window case at the Valentine Museum in 2017-2018

“Coro of Womennequins” 2013-2017 ( composed of 16 sculptures) photo from window case at the Valentine Museum in 2017-2018

Womennequin # 2

Womennequin # 2

Womenequin #7 and #4

Womenequin #7 and #4

Coro of Womennequin #1 (2013) #2 and #3 (2014)

Coro of Womennequin #1 (2013) #2 and #3 (2014)

Womennequin #4 (part of the chorus of womennequins)

Womennequin #4 (part of the chorus of womennequins)

Coro of Womennequin #5 and #6

Coro of Womennequin #5 and #6

“The Goddess of Wisdom, Beauty, Fraternity, Justice and Truth” 2016 wax over wood and found parts

“The Goddess of Wisdom, Beauty, Fraternity, Justice and Truth” 2016 wax over wood and found parts

“Bride” 2015 [work shown at William King Museum in 2016 - [private collection]

“Bride” 2015 [work shown at William King Museum in 2016 - [private collection]

“Transfixed” 2016

“Transfixed” 2016

“A Hymn to my Mother’s Tear at the Kitchen Table” 2019 [work showed at MOCA-VA in 2019]

“A Hymn to my Mother’s Tear at the Kitchen Table” 2019 [work showed at MOCA-VA in 2019]

“The Most Beautiful Woman Alive” [detail} 2013

“The Most Beautiful Woman Alive” [detail} 2013

“Breaking Bread” 2019 [concrete, barbed wire and dirt] as installed during the exhibition Museum of Capitalism at Parsons School, NYC photo by Marc Tutti

“Breaking Bread” 2019 [concrete, barbed wire and dirt] as installed during the exhibition Museum of Capitalism at Parsons School, NYC photo by Marc Tutti

“Cova” 2020

“Cova”[pandemica] 2020

[private collection]

[private collection]

“March -The People” 2017 [detail of installation]

“March -The People” 2017 [detail of installation]

“Vestige” [William King Museum 2019]

“Vestige” [shown at William King Museum 2019]


“Severed” 2017 (detail, installed at Santa Fe Art Institute in 2017)

“Cruxi” [2019}

“Cruxi” [2019}