Eva Rocha

#EvaRocha #artist #brazilian #contemporary #indigenous #women_artists #artistas_do_brasil #BIPOC

**unrepresented artist [until representation is listed here, if offered a work of mine, feel free to ask me for a certificate of authentication Info on the bottom of the page]

Eva Rocha is a Brazilian multimedia artist, currently based in Rio de Janeiro. Her works rises from her cross-disciplinary interest and research in the language and embodiment of collective memory and its archiving into artifacts and culture-objects. As a multimedia artist, she combines sculptures, installation, video projections, to question a process of the abstraction of the viewer and its implications in a social dialogue. Rocha's many bodies of work surge from performance, and spread into different personal materials and forms that serve her dramatic language. Her work provokes the viewer into taking part in the work as a spectator, voyeur, or accomplice.


 2025 Indigenous Audiovisual: Tendy Koatiara Nhembo’esaba / Aldeia Maracanã:: Rio de Janeiro — BRAZIL 2024 Mediació en l'Art i la Cultura: cicle formatius de grau superior: Escola Massana d'Art: Catalunya — SPAIN 2016 Master of Fine Arts MFA: kinetic imaging: Virginia Commonwealth University – US 2011 Art Docent/ tour guide in English/Spanish/Portuguese: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts — US 2008 Student Pre-Columbian materiais: Escuela Mario Urteaga: Baños Del Incas, Cajamarca – PERU 2002 Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies: self-focus research in Cultural Studies, Visual Anthropology, and Dramatic Arts: complected at Virginia Commonwealth University/ transferred from Comunicação Social Jornalismo at Universidade Estadual de Londrina — BRAZIL / US In Theater: Centro de Pesquisas Teatrais CPT; workshops with Peter Brooks, Eugenio Barba, and Furia del Baus during the International Theater Festival: São Paulo — BRAZIL

MUSEUMS exhibitions through public open calls, mostly unfunded 2023 SOLO [única individual}: Taubman Museum: “Have You Seen The Dark Parrot?” Awarded solo due to First Prize at the Taubman’s Triennial, US 2022/2021 [Dec-March] Taubman Museum Homeward Bound juried triennial: [work “Silent Chorus”] guest curator: Nandini Makrandi. Roanoke, US 2021/2020 Museum of Contemporary Art MOCA-VA New Waves 2020: [work “Unfamiliar Portrait”] guest curator Susan Thompson. VABeach, US 2020/2019 William King Museum, From These Hills biennial: [work “Vestige”] guest curator: Rebecca Elliot. Abingdon, US 2019 MOCA-VA New Waves 2019: [work “A Hymn to My Mother’s Tear at the Kitchen Table”] guest curator Carmen Hermo. VABeach, US 2017/2018 Valentine Museum: [work: “Coro” (12 of 16 sculptures installation] invited by curator Kristen Stewart: [April 2017-Feb 2018] US 2017 Black History Museum: [work: “The Pigeonhole”] invited by curator Mary Lauderdale. US 2017 Taubman Museum Homeward Bound triennial: [work “I am not in the business…” y “Ode to the Object”] curator Bradley Sumrall. Roanoke, US
 2016 William King Museum: From these Hills biennial [“Bride/”Dowry/”Bulk] curator Callie Hietala. Abingdon, US 2016 Museum of Contemporary Art MOCA-VA New Waves: [“nicho”] guest curator Jan Tumlir. Virginia Beach, US
 2015 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts’S sculpture garden: [“Object-Orientalis” [public’s choice award} during the 1708Inlight Festival, US
 2014 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts: “After Botero’s After Velasquez”: Celebrate the Art of Latin America: Colombia: VMFA’s Atrium, US
 2013 Museum of Fine Arts: “Chancay” Burial sculptures for ‘Art of Latin America Day’: Atrium on 09/21 and displayed at Education Gallery. 2013 Museo Brasileiro de Escultura MUBE: [“Gilded”] Cupcake Project. São Paulo, BRAZIL 
 2013 Art Museum of Americas AMA’s garden: “Procession: an installation for the Dead” inside Vaclaa’s Art Bus Gallery. Washington, DC, US

DIVERSIFIED locations 2025 Centro Cultural Correios Niterói: Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL 2024 Recipiente Porongo: Indigenous Artists: Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRAZIL    2022 Konvent PuntZero centre d'art multidisciplinari: [performance and sculpture installation “Carne”] Berga, SPAIN 2019 The New School Parsons: Anna Maria / Stephen Kellen Gallery: [work “Breaking Bread”] curator Timothy Furstnau: New York, NY 2019 Inlight Festival Richmond: at Chimborazo Park site-specific: [work: “Cot”] Richmond, US 2018 Memorial Room of the Fountain Street Church [“Silent Chorus”} Grand Rapids, MI 2017 Santa Fe Art Institute /front [Installation “Severed”] during SFAI 140. Santa Fe, NM 2017 Fed Gallery at Kendal College of Art and Design, group show during Artprize: Grand Rapids, MI 2017 The Anderson:: ReachOut: [installation “Memory Foam”] curator: Charles Westfall. Richmond, VA 2016 Tobacco Warehouse 14 – second opening of works created in a semi-abandoned warehouse that I used. US 2015 Tobacco Warehouse 14, works created in 12/2014 [8 installations} Awarded Pollock Prize Emergent Artist, US 2014 Art Space: focus-gallery: [installation “Fodder::Beauty” with human hair, sculptures and prints] Richmond, VA, US 2013 Biennial International Miniature Think Small at ArtSpacel: [kinetic sculpture “#Latina”], US
 2011 Biennial International Miniature Think Small: [drawing with my hair: “Eaves”]: Art Space Richmond, US

 2024 TPK Art i Pensament Contemporani, Catalunya, SPAIN 2023 Citè Internationale des Arts, Paris, FRANCE 2022 KonventPuntZero, Catalunya, SPAIN 2022 Folger Institute research residency, Washington, DC 2022 Santa Fe Art Institute SFAI / part II due to quarantine lockdown, Santa Fe, New Mexico, US 2020 Santa Fe Art Institute SFAI /Labor March 2020/ International sponsored residency at Santa Fe, NM 2019 Invited artist resident – Factory Resident at Studio TwoThree, Richmond, VA 
2017 Santa Fe Art Institute SFAI /Equal Justice/ International sponsored residency at Santa Fe, NM
 2017 The Anderson Gallery: Alumni Summer Studio Residency, Richmond, VA 2016 Vermont Center Studios: Artist resident, VT 2015 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts: invited artist resident during the exhibition “Rodin: the Evolution of a Genius” VA

 2022 Awarded a Folger Institute Shakespeare Library Fellowship. Washington, DC. 2022 Awarded a solo at the Taubman Museum due to first prize juror’s choice fort the Taubman’s Homeward Bound Juried Triennial. 2021 Awarded Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant: to transport Silent Chorus to the Taubman Museum’s Triennial. 2020 Awarded a Commonwealth of Virginia’s Visual Artist Relief Fellowship, during pandemic, distributed by Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. 2020 Awarded Arts & Culture CultureWorks Arts Relief Grant during pandemic. 2019 Awarded CultureWorks Building Capacities Focus Area Grant.
 2017 Awarded Richmond Memorial Health Foundation Visiting Artist Project Grant.
 2017 Awarded Frey Foundation Seed-Grant: to attend ArtPrize.
 2017 Awarded CultureWorks Project Grant: for materials to create a work with community participation. 2016 Awarded Woman in the Arts Recognition Award, by Style Magazine Richmond.
 2015 Awarded Theresa Pollak Award for Excellence in the Arts: Emerging Artist 2015.
 2015 People’s Choice Award for 1708 Inlight Festival at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts VMFA: installation “Object- Orientalis”.

SCHOLARSHIPS 2016 Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship: “Advance/advocate the Presence of Women in High Education” 2015/2016 Graduate/Professional Student Scholarship 2015/2016 John Roos Memorial Scholarship 2015/2016 Willian B. Clopton Scholarship 2001/2002 Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship 2001/2002 The Rozanne Epps Scholarship 2001/2002 The Joan Rexinger Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Scholarship

LECTURES and CONFERENCES 2021 “Womxn of Color Conference: EmPower, EnVision: Radical Self-Love Self_Reflexion: Westhampton College/ University of Richmond, US 2021 “Racial Equity Summit: an evening of conversation” Institute of Contemporary Art Richmond, US 2019 “Posters of an Unbearable Beauty” Lecture/ art display: Feminism and Gender Violence and Feminicide in Latin America, PUC University, São Paulo, BRAZIL 2018 “Body and Politics in Latinx America: Race, Gender, Sex and Performance”: University of Richmond, US 2015 “I am Not Yanomami: Race in the Media and Popular Culture” presented at Ethnicity, Race: Indigenous People’s Conference :Global Studies-Virginia Commonwealth University

 [semester contracts] 2020 Theater Script Analysis: Virginia Union University — a HBCU** [Historic Black Universities, established before Civil Rights Act of 1964] USA 2020 Theater Production development: Virginia Union University, US   2019  Theater Script Analysis: Virginia Union University, US 2019 Scene Design: concept studies; planning the stage scenic design construction; co nstructing the play scenic design, with the students, for the university's end of the year play: Virginia Union University:  US  [for ref letter the chef of department was: l.roiboyd@gmail.com]    


  • I am an unrepresented artist. So far, I have not had a dealer or a professional gallery representation with a signed contract. I am open for representation of a gallery, a dealer or manager. Ideally, it would be an international gallery or dealer that can offer a basic contract and manage a large inventory of works: artworks in this website and others not photographed drawings, paintings, sculptures, photos, video performance materials, printings, cloth paintings, and early life works prior being an artist. Contact: eva.rocha.brazil@gmail.com

If you need a “certificate of authenticity of original work” of mine, feel free to contact me.

images/text copyright ©eva_rocha